{{'RETOUR' | translate}}
DVD : |
Location/achat et commande uniquement pour un usage privé. Pour tout usage public, associatif, pédagogique, veuillez contacter Noémie Daras
When the head Isabelle Arpin integrates the restaurant Alexandre, she knows that only a star in the Michelin guide will be able to save it.
In the months before and after the announcement of the stars, the documentary follows the rise in Brussels of a female chef in the very masculine world of gastronomy.
{{'DUREE' | translate}}: 52'
{{"ECRIT_ET_REALISE_PAR" | translate}}
Lehericey Delphine
{{"PRODUCTION" | translate}}
Need Productions et Perspective Films
{{"COPRODUCTION" | translate}}
RTBF - ARTE G.E.I.E. - WIP - Inver Invest - Tax Shelter - Sponsor - Réalisateur - COSIP
{{"TV" | translate}}
26 December 2016 : RTBF - La Trois
21 December 2016 : RTBF - La Une
{{"PROJECTIONS" | translate}}
17 September 2017 : Projection par CineMarch ASBL
20 November 2016 : Projection au Cinéma Vendôme / Week-end du Doc
29 July 2017 : Festival du Film de Lama (France)