{{'RETOUR' | translate}}
DVD : |
Location/achat et commande uniquement pour un usage privé. Pour tout usage public, associatif, pédagogique, veuillez contacter Noémie Daras
Loredana Bianconi accompanies a female friend on her search for a job, a
very perillous quest when you are forty five years old.By filming from the inside personal and courageous upheavels the tale builds up step by step, like a series of reverberations. Through the day to day actions and thoughts of the character the film leeds us to meditate on
solidarity, age, beauty, autonomy, happiness and our collective dreams and
this up to the most fragile of moments, up to one’s closest relation to
self.All in all is it possible to be different when you’re trying to find
your place in the rat race ? Are you allowed to think of work as something
more, an opening, a dream, an experiment?{{'DUREE' | translate}}: 80'
{{"ECRIT_ET_REALISE_PAR" | translate}}
Bianconi Loredana
{{"IMAGE" | translate}}
Els Van Riel, Jorge León
{{"SON" | translate}}
Ricardo Castro
{{"MONTAGE_IMAGE" | translate}}
Rudy Maerten
{{"PRODUCTION" | translate}}
{{"PROJECTIONS" | translate}}
03 April 2009 : Les Passeurs d'images et de Sons, projection lors de la seaine du développement durable "Perdre sa vie à la gagner" (France)
05 September 2008 : ASBL Etablissement d'Enface Porject
2005 : Filmmaker Film Festival (Milan) / 1er Prix
2004 : Prix du meilleur documentaire belge à Filmer à tout prix (Belgique)
2004 : Grand Prix au Festival International du Documentaire de Marseille
{{'DU_MEME_AUTEUR' | translate}}
{{'CATALOGUE' | translate}}
Bianconi Loredana
Bianconi Loredana
Bianconi Loredana