{{'RETOUR' | translate}}
DVD : |
Location/achat et commande uniquement pour un usage privé. Pour tout usage public, associatif, pédagogique, veuillez contacter Noémie Daras
A breathtaking panorama from Istanbul's kids employement market to the massive of workers in the Philippines. A film dedicated to the women work conditions, with globalization and a work organization often inhuman, as background. Rosa and Marie are fired from the Levi's industry after twenty years of work, victims of delocalisation. In Turkey, in the same company, others unveil their terrible condition. In Indonesia, the daily life goes through a straight 10 or 14 hours of manual work, for a miserable wage.
Behind “The New Gospel” of competitiveness, one can find some uncommon lives, i.e., the titles of male and female workers from the Northern and the Southern countries who suffer from its direct consequences. This film shows the encounter with those workers, their works and their daily life. In Belgium and France, Rosa and Marie-Thérèse are spending their last months working for the Levi’s factories. Their story is similar or comparable to the story of Yanti and some anonymous female workers who work in the textile industries in Turkey, Indonesia and the Philippines and whose life comes down to 10, 12 or 14 hours of work each day and a derisory salary.
{{'DUREE' | translate}}: 53'
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Collard Marie-France
{{"IMAGE" | translate}}
Philippe GUILBERT, Samuel DRAVET, Dominique HENRY, Olivier PULLINCKX, Louis-Phillipe CAPELLE, Alain MARCOEN, Virginie SAINT-MARTIN
{{"SON" | translate}}
Thierry TIRTIAUX, Ronald M. PAPAS, Jean-Jacques QUINET, Paul HEYMANS, Frédéric MEERT, Stéphane MORELLE
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Marie-Hélène MORA
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Franco PISCOPO, Jacques CLISSE
{{"PRODUCTION" | translate}}
Latitudes Production
{{"COPRODUCTION" | translate}}
RTBF - ARTE Belgique - Movimento Productions - CRRAV Nord Pas-de-Calais - WIP
{{"PROJECTIONS" | translate}}
09 June 2011 : Projection à la Bibliothèque de Malmedy
28 May 2010 : Projection destinée à un groupe de femmes de la ville d'Audincourt à l'Espace Ghandi
25 February 2010 : Projection ciné-débat lors de la campagne de sensibilisation “Meilleur Marché” organisée en collaboration entre “Oxfam Magasins du Monde” et “Cinémarche”
06 February 2010 : Projection organisée en collaboration par les associations “Autour du 1er mai” & “Peuple et culture”, “Le féminisme est-il un mauvais genre ?” (France)
2005 : Premier Prix - Festival International de la Vidéo à Thème Social de Liège
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{{'CATALOGUE' | translate}}
MAITRESSES “J’ai un amant”, se disaient-elles…
Collard Marie-France
Collard Marie-France