{{'RETOUR' | translate}}
DVD : |
Location/achat et commande uniquement pour un usage privé. Pour tout usage public, associatif, pédagogique, veuillez contacter Noémie Daras
Purificacion Crego is incarcerated since 11 years in the prison of Avila, at 100 km from Madrid. Today, she’s 29 years old. She’s two weeks away from leaving jail.
La tercera vida is an encounter with this woman, in prison since she was 18, and who’s about to get back to freedom. It’s a closed door portrait, an intimate and spontaneous testimony during which the events of her past, her daily life in prison and her perspective on freedom are unveiled.
{{'DUREE' | translate}}: 47'
{{"ECRIT_ET_REALISE_PAR" | translate}}
D'Alcantara Vanja
{{"SCENARIO" | translate}}
Vanja D’Alcantara
{{"IMAGE" | translate}}
Vanja D’Alcantara
{{"MONTAGE_IMAGE" | translate}}
Guillermo Badilla
{{"MONTAGE_SON_ET_MIX" | translate}}
Alexandre Davidson
{{"PRODUCTION" | translate}}
{{"PROJECTIONS" | translate}}
16 March 2008 : Projection lors du WE Regards croisés au Botanique, confédération parascolaire
2009 : Biennale du film d'action sociale de Montrouge / Mention spéciale (France)
01 December 2005 : GZ Doc (Chine)
23 November 2005 : Songes d’une Nuit DV (France)
20 November 2005 : Les écrans documentaires (France)
10 November 2005 : Festival International du Film d’Amiens (France)
21 October 2005 : Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen (France)
01 October 2005 : Prix Europa hors compétition (Allemagne)