{{'RETOUR' | translate}}
DVD : |
Location/achat et commande uniquement pour un usage privé. Pour tout usage public, associatif, pédagogique, veuillez contacter Noémie Daras
The Hole does not simply seek to give information, it is a lampoon about town planning and an imaginative piece of work deriving its originality from the medium used : video-simulation.
What is going to happen ti the square in the heart of Liège ? A law court surrounded by a six lane motorway, car parks, and a bus station, a provincial government annexe of mediocre architecture quality… This video uses video-simulation to make comparisons with other world famous places like St Mark’s Square in Venice and the Grand Place in Brussels…
{{'DUREE' | translate}}: 6'
{{"ECRIT_ET_REALISE_PAR" | translate}}
Soldani Mauro
{{"SCENARIO" | translate}}
Mauro Saldoni
{{"PRODUCTEURS" | translate}}
Mauro Saldoni
{{"COPRODUCTION" | translate}}
1987 : AVE 87, Audiovisual Experimental, Arnhem (Pays-Bas)
1987 : Festival international du film d’architecture et d’urbanisme, Lausanne (Suisse)
1987 : Festival international du film d’architecture, d’urbanisme et d’environnement urbain, Bordeaux (France)
1987 : Festival international de télévision, Monte-Carlo (Monaco)