{{'RETOUR' | translate}}
DVD : |
Location/achat et commande uniquement pour un usage privé. Pour tout usage public, associatif, pédagogique, veuillez contacter Noémie Daras
A potter? That brings to mind everlasting pots and dishes. It can well be something different.
In her studio, as if in a strange vessel, Pascaline Wollast works in clay. She creates life sized figures. Surrounded by her sculpted friends, she then fires them for a day and a night in a klin of her own deisgn. Out come insect-people, coming out of the larval stage to timidly try their wings.
{{'DUREE' | translate}}: 7'
{{"ECRIT_ET_REALISE_PAR" | translate}}
Quintart Monique
{{"IMAGE" | translate}}
Marie-Jo Jamar
{{"SON" | translate}}
Thierry d'Haene
{{"MONTAGE_IMAGE" | translate}}
Dominique Lefever
{{"MONTAGE_SON_ET_MIX" | translate}}
Thomas Gauder
{{"COPRODUCTION" | translate}}
{{"PROJECTIONS" | translate}}
10 September 2022 : Projection rue Ducoq
{{'DU_MEME_AUTEUR' | translate}}
{{'CATALOGUE' | translate}}